Common Peregrinations
AK Press great source of radical publications
Autonomedia the pathbreaking press and excellent discussion site.
Derive Approdi articles from the social centres and a range of Italian writers
Other Resources
Anti-Economy Anti-Capital Net essays and leaflets of a left-marxist or situationist persuasion
Aufheben British journal influential in ultra-left and autonomist circles
Break Their Haughty Power essays new and old by Loren Goldner
Collective Action Notes rich source of articles concerning workplace conflict and class self-organisation
Common Sense fine British journal, now sadly defunct
EZLN read the latest from the Zapatistas (in English and Spanish)
Harry Cleaver's home page lots of useful information about autonomist marxism
Midnight Notes longstanding opponents of the Planetary Work Machine
Red & Black Notes Canadian council communist magazine, with essays old and new
Wildcat (Germany) explorations of global class composition